Family Idea Calendar for Lakewood, CO
The Family Idea Calendar (Lakewood. CO) is a Google calendar listing family events in Lakewood, Colorado, and surrounding areas but also includes larger events within day-trip distance from Lakewood. This was a personal family idea calendar that I have made public for use by friends, neighbors and others who may be interested. As this is a volunteer effort and may not include the most up-to-date information, so be sure to use this information as a guide only and verify that all event information is still valid before attending. I've included a web site URL were available. Some events do require registration and/or admission fees. You may view the calendar embedded below or add the following iCal feed to your own calendar program.
Additional family-friendly event suggestions for the calendar are always welcome -- please send details and web site information to I'd also love to have a few contributors who'd like to help me by researching and adding events directly to the calendar. A Google account is required. Send me a message with your Google account email address and a little bit about you, and I'll get you set up with shared calendar permissions!
Don't see a particular event you'd like to attend? The City of Lakewood and our surrounding towns & foothills have a plethora of everyday activities to keep your family busy. Check out our list of Lakewood/Denver-Area Attractions for additional ideas.
And, without further ado, here's the calendar! I hope you find it helpful and fun...
(HINT: If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, the Week or Agenda options in the top right corner are sometimes easier to read.)