Magazines Just About Horses - Published by Breyer, Division of Reeves Intn'l. 14 Industrial Road, Pequannock, NH 07440. Published 6 times a year in full color including info mostly about Breyer models and events.
Margeey's Model Horse Journal - A magazine dedicated to providing up to date information related to the model horse hobby and real horses. Model Horse Magazine -
The magazine started life back in 2001 as a Utterly Horses club newsletter. It has evolved into a joint venture, A5 Full Colour professionally printed publication being distributed across four continents to a readership of over 1100 people. Subscription cost for UK residents is
£12.00 and for overseas (everywhere else)
£16. Contact modelhorsemag@utterlyhorses.com for more information.
The Advertisers' Journal (TAJ) - TAJ is a bi-monthly publication for model horse related advertisements including saleslists, wantlists, photo shows, live shows, s/d lists, clubs and other similar ads. Contact Bethany Peslar for further information.
NAN Judges' Handbook - A NAMHSA sponsored handbook which contains a summary of judging criteria for halter and performance classes. Contact Eleanor Harvey for further information
Painting Model Horses with Acrylics - Dawn Deale's illustrated guide to painting model horses by hand and airbrush. Contact Dawn Deale for further information